Sunday, May 10, 2009

Miley Cyrus Sing Along!!


  1. You two are hilarious!!! (and weird!!!) I'm crying!

  2. THANKS! :) HAHA we have waaaayyy tooooo much fun together. This was inspired by the live performance she gave on American Idol-she was a freak with her hair all up in her face and rockin out to a song that doesn't really quite fit head banging. :)

  3. OMG I just watched the video you guy are so much better, what the?

  4. I know, I think I pulled it off pretty well :)

  5. You two are total DORKS!!!! I love it! Amanda.. Jaidyn was watching this with me and she was copying everything you were doing, word for word and action for action. It was so stinking hilarious. When you get back you have to watch her do it. Oh man, you two make me laugh!!

  6. That is soooo funny! I can't believe she was copying me. HAHA, That made me laugh out loud. I can't wait to see it!!!!! You have the cutest kids in the world!
