Monday, May 25, 2009


We're getting there! Basically one week away!! YAY!! Babe thanks so much for that sweet note you took the time to hand write and mail to me! It melted my heart! And the chocolates are so yummy!!

the pictures were taken close to the time of the memory... :)

I have been thinking of so many favorite memories since yesterday. I have a gazillion! One that came to mind though was conference weekend in October. I had been home....what....3 weeks. It's crazy how comfortable we were together and how much we loved each other even back then. I remember I had been thinking a lot about marriage and I wanted to marry you. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. But I was a little nervous to bring it up. I had talked to my mom about it and I just knew you were 'the one'! I was so in love with you! Anyway, we sat on the couch and watched conference together. We had lots of blankets and it was so comforting sitting next to you. I think we took a nap together in between sessions....or was that when we went on our walk...? I loved our walk....we held hands and walked up the street quite a ways talking about our view points and the..."what would you do in this situation?" type of questions. This was the time when you asked me, "what would you do if I wrecked the car? Would you be more concerned about the car or about me? :) We talked about raising kids and family life. When we got back to the house we sat on the swing outside and finished our conversation swinging back and forth. I remember being amazed at all the similar view points we had. I felt like we had so many things in common. I loved that walk! I remember thinking to myself, "this is how it's going to be the rest of my life. taking walks with this amazing woman, sharing our dreams and goals, holding hands. i want to marry her so bad!" I got a glimpse of our future...and it felt so peaceful and so sweet. We went back inside and I'm unsure if conference was over or if we watched the last session. But then we cuddled and laid around together...talking and laughing. Later on was when I think we talked about getting married for the first time. It felt so good to tell you I wanted to marry you...and it was so exciting to discuss things together. You asked me when we would do it....I didn't know how you felt about everything or how fast you wanted things to go, so I said APRIL. :) Turns out we got married in December! Once I knew you were ok with moving fast...I was totally ready for it. I knew I wanted to be with you. I knew you were the one I wanted to marry...there was no reason to wait... Why wait, when you just know? Anyhow, thats one of my favorite memories. That whole day....the watching conference, the cuddling, the walk, the talking, the laughing and loving....and finally talking about getting married!

1 comment:

  1. That was a special day!!! I remember the anticipation of not knowing how you felt either but wanted to tell you all about the things I was feeling, and of course getting all of my "questions" answered. I am so proud of you, looking back, knowing you answered all of those silly questions :) I am surprised you didn't laugh at me (well not ALL the time) :). I love you so much! Thanks for taking into consideration us getting married in December :). Things did move fast but at the time it really didn't feel like it. I feel our relationship built slowly and gradually and that I really got to know you for who you were inside long before we met. I am so grateful for you babe. You have brought more happiness into my life than anyone or anything. I love knowing you are my family now-nothing feels more like home then being with you. I am going to carry that memory with me alllll day! I loved dating you! Some of the best moments, some of the most memorable times of my life. We had so much fun together; we did so many great things when we were dating...and it just continues. I seriously get so excited thinking about the rest of our life together!!!
