Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 11

Life's a little less fulfilling and entertaining without you in it. I was able to go to a really great lunch yesterday with my parents at this new lodge on the rogue river. It was so beautiful and the food was amazing. Every second I wished you were there so see what I was seeing and to enjoy the day with me. Tonight I am going with my family to see the fire works and the annual Boat Nic show (no not the same as THE BOAT SHOW :). I am excited to actually do something now that I have been here two weeks (besides hanging out with Maile and going to Jaxons game which was super fun), although I am going to be missing you all night. It is funny, you look forward to a vacation, to traveling and doing stuff but if you are not with someone you love or have fun with it really isn't as great of a time. Do I sound like the whiny baby now? Maybe BUT who the freakin dippity do cares???? NOONE and if they do poop on them :).

I still love you, even through the hard days :).

1 comment:

  1. yeah who FLIPPITY DIPPITY DO DAH cares and if they do...freak yeah just poop on them. ha ha!! You are hilarious! I love you with all my heart! I'm sorry it hasn't been the best day. Hopefully tomorrow is a little better. If not, I still miss you like crazy, want you, need you and LOVE you! I wish I was going on the BOAT SHOW boat nic with you! :) LUCKY! (said in Napoleans voice)
