Sunday, May 31, 2009


Holy COW!!! 2 more days babe! I'm so excited! Right when I woke up this morning I was excited. It's getting so close, I can't wait!! I can't wait to see you, to feel you, to hold you, to hug you, to kiss you, to be with you, to to to have you back!!! YES!! I see the end, the finish line is just around the corner! YAY!

One of my favorite memories was when we went out to eat at that mexican restaurant in American Fork. I can't think of the name of it right now. But on the way down you asked me, "Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a blade of grass?" I was like....ummm....I have never really thought about that. :) And you went on, "well why wasn't I a blade of grass or a tree or a rock? I just wonder sometimes what it feels like to be something else.... everything has a spirit so I wonder what it would feel like???" That's not exactly what you said but it was something along those lines. I felt dumb because I never even think about some of the things you think about. I felt like I walk through life sometimes oblivious to my surroundings going with the flow....not even thinking about life. And you are probably the deepest thinker I know. I love it! So we talked about that and then had our dinner. I got completely stuffed and felt sick! This was around the time when we had been watching "Man VS Food" and so I was determined to eat everything on my plate and it made me feel like a FAT COW, bloaded and ready to explode! On the way home we started talking about how the way we talk is sometimes retarded, and some of the words we use are so repetitious and pointless....such as "like" ,"just", "so", "umm"... etc. But we went off on 'like'... like totally, we were like talking and like, there was like this funny thing that you like said.. :) We promised each other we would try and help each other to stop saying like so much. We got home and we continued to talk about it. You were sitting on the couch and I was kneeling on the floor leaning over the ottoman. It was so fun talking and having a conversation with you. I'm so glad we can talk about anything. I love our conversations! Another thing we talked about was how sometimes we'll end sentences with "so" or "but" just because we don't know what else to say or where we were going with it... haha! It was so funny, I remember laughing our heads off!! Oh I love you so much... I can't wait to have more of those conversations. I love you BABY! Can't wait to talk to you later today!!!

1 comment:

  1. that seriously made me laugh out loud reading that. Thanks for sharing with the world what a retard I am :). I loved that moment talking about how silly language can be sometimes. Thanks for indulging me in our off the wall conversations!
