Thursday, February 26, 2009

Random Stuff & Every Day Life

I have never written anything for our blog. I feel like such a horrible blogger! Countless dedicated bloggers update their blogs every day....and me....haven't ever! I'm not even sure I can figure out how to post what I'm writing now. We'll see... I wish I had something amazing and exciting to write about but I don't. Well it depends on how you look at it. I have the most BEAUTIFUL, OUTSTANDING, LOVING, wife in the entire world. To me that is something to write about. Amanda is the reason for the smile on my face and sparkle in my eye. Not a day goes by where I don't feel incredibly blessed to have her in my life. And maybe that's what I'll write about...our daily life. We've had some insane days and weeks! Amanda has been a "busy bee" with school. The amount of homework that she has had would put the average person in a mental hospital or in their grave. I'm not joking! Then added on top of that she has been the most amazing wife on the planet. I don't know how she does it....I think she has super powers....but I'm not sure....she won't tell me if she does or not. Anyhow, on top of school work Amanda makes delicious dinners EVERY night! I'm not talking about mac and cheese, these dinners are the real deal. I'm talking about pork cutlets with spiced apples, shrimp scampi, crab enchiladas....and the list goes on. I have the greatest wife ever! I love to eat, so to have a wife that knows how to cook makes me pleased as punch. I heard this guy on TV say "pleased as punch" so I thought I would use it to. Don't hate on me.
How about I'll just write about random things. I don't feel like sticking to a topic. Lately I have been eating A LOT of "Red Vines" licorice. I think I'm addicted. We buy the family pack and it usually lasts us about a week. I guess we're not doing too bad. A week is a long time to have a bag of licorice. Some of you may know that I love coke. I used to drink it all the time. Then I decided it wasn't healthy and cut down to maybe 2 or 3 a month. This past week I have had one every day. I've decided I really like Coke again. I'm going to keep this daily thing up for another week or so and then break free. But for now I'm loving my coke...not quite as much as I love Amanda....but close. The watching of American Idol has become one of my favorite activities lately. I absolutely love to cuddle up with Amanda (Coke & Red Vines nearby) and watch the rising stars sing their hearts out. It's my new favorite activity. Amanda loves it too. We really enjoy our nights together or any time together. I truly have a best friend in Amanda. It's something I will always cherish.
Saturdays and Sundays are my favorite days. Amanda gets all her homework done during the week and devotes the weekends to "us". On Saturdays we usually sleep in a little and just lounge around in the morning. Then we try to do something fun later on. This Saturday we are going to go have lunch in Salt Lake City and then do some window shopping in the city. Right in the middle of the city there are all these vintage shops that have always caught our eye as we've driven through the this Saturday we are going to find out what they're all about. We don't have to do anything extravagant to have fun. As long as I can be close to my baby, holding hands, laughing, enjoying one another's company I am "pleased as punch".
Sundays are our relax and bake days. The past few Sundays we have baked something. For example a few Sundays ago we baked these yummy butter cookies with raspberry and cream cheese filling. They were the BOMB. Then another Sunday we baked some chocolate cookies that we couldn't exactly figure out the right time to leave them in the oven for. The first batch wasn't cooked long enough, then the next batch was too done...finally with the remaining dough, (enough for one cookie, which we turned into a heart) we got it right. The heart shaped cookie was perfect! You live and you learn. We also go to church, take naps and play games together on Sundays. I truly LOVE our weekends together.
I'm coming to find out that Amanda is randomly hilarious. I mean I knew she was funny before but now I know on a whole new level. For example, sometimes she will just out of the blue sing a word or phrase. It may not sound funny but believe me it is. Like when we are sitting watching TV and Amanda, who is focused on her homework and studying during the commercials all of a sudden, without looking up from her school work, sings out "free and clear" after a face wash commercial, you can't help but laugh. Or sometimes she'll be making dinner and sing out in the funniest tone one of the ingredients. I guess you have to witness it to really find the humor in it. :)
Our little FREAK of a cat Nika makes us laugh. Today she clawed up our leather couch which wasn't funny at all. In fact I'm deeply disturbed about it now. I want to cry. I still love her. But she is a Freak. Amanda gave her a ball of yarn and she completely tore it apart. Her favorite thing to do is entangle the kitchen table and chairs in yarn. You should see it. It looks like a spider web in underneath the table when she's all through. She follows us every where and won't leave Amanda alone when she does her homework. She drinks out of the toilet. She has horrible gas. She poops probably 12 times a day. She chases invisible things up and down the stairs. She is our little freak a leak!
To sum it all up, Amanda and I are enjoying our life together. I couldn't ask for a better wife and companion. She brings so much happiness into every day of my life. We are enjoying the little things and looking forward to the big things. Hopefully we can keep our blog updated on more of a regular basis. I mean blogging is my passion. I want to become the GREATEST blogger in America!


The Moncurs said...

WAY to go babe! You freakin crack me up! HAHA I can't believe I am making a comment on our blog but I couldn't resist. Oh, FYI-Nika's size of poo is that of a DOG! HOLY FREAK! I love you baby! Thanks for putting a smile on my face and for glorifying me and my cooking on our blog for the world to read :)

Steve and Megan said...

You two both crack me up. We need to hang out! Oh, and thanks for the description of Nika's dodee. I mean, I was totally trying to picture it and now I can. Ew.

Dre + Drew - Pacific Northwest Living - DuPont, WA said...

I am excited for you to become the best blogger in America! I vote for "MIKE" (you know instead of PEDRO) Freak a leak okay my new fav. phrase you made me laugh!! Amanda you need to change your poop comment to state the size of Elephant Dung! I like that Bake Day on Sunday, Andrew would love it if I was Betty Crocker Baker. Amanda I need to hear you sing your random phrases thanks for sharing I could hear her Mike, as you described it and I chortled, chuckled, okay laughed, but you know you love CHORTLED!

Nielsen Family said...

I loved it! I think Mike is the first Male ever to blog. Way to go. Loves to you both and cudos for the happy life you are creating