What a blessing this blonde haired, blue eyed, little man has been in our lives for the past 2 years! I can't believe it was 2 years ago that I found out I was pregnant with this little guy–whom I actually thought was a girl—my how time flys! He has blossomed into such a sweet, fun loving and energetic little boy. We love you so much little August Amari!! Happy birthday big boy!
I love this little man so much; just in the past few weeks he has started understanding more, listening a little better, and saying more words. It is so fun to see him grow into his beautiful self. I love what snuggle bug he is; multiple times a day he will pause from whatever he is doing, come and find me and lay his head on me. He seems to be so happy just doing his own thing, not minding what others are doing around him. He is so active, he moves from one thing to the next. He loves being on the go; in fact I feel like when I don't get out the door by a certain time in the morning he is ansey. He loves watching shows, when I allow it, especially the ones I listed above and he loves sound books and his toy cars/planes. He has such an infectious smile and laugh, I love hearing him grunt out a laugh when I tickle him. He has such an easy going demeanor and really when it comes all down to it just wants to know he is loved and receive love by others. So grateful for the two years I have had to be his mother!
The road we have walked
From 0-9 months in my womb
1st birthday
This picture captures one of his great loves: music
We took him to the Bham Aircraft museum, which he loved
Amari is obsessed with anything that has wheels, especially any character from the movie Planes (aka Dusty Cropper) and Cars (aka Mater). So we gave him a "things that go" birthday party. We woke him up with the morning with song and cheering and he was so happy and felt so special. The moment he saw the table decorations he flipped out. In fact he kept revisiting the table decorations throughout the day; he couldn't get enough.
He was spoiled this year by us and by his grandparents and Auntie Michelle who sent him 4 gifts (one from every person in her family). He loved every single thing he opened!
It was freezing cold outside so after a french toast breakfast and letting him watch his favorite movies: Cars and Planes, we took him to the pet store (he loves looking at the fish and all the animals) and then to lunch. After naps we got to face time Grandma Moncur and then we had his favorite dinner: spaghetti and meatballs and surprised him with his Cars cake and ice cream. He thought his cake was so awesome and yummy!
What a wonderful birthday he had. Although he did end up throwing up (his first time ever) in the wee hours of the morning (poor thing). We strongly believe it was from all the dairy we let him have for his birthday (bad parents).
Something he started doing recently: laughing for no reason at all :) :)