Friday, April 29, 2011
Blind Sided
Posted by The Moncurs at 6:43 PM 5 comments
Labels: Baby
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Posted by The Moncurs at 4:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: UPDATE
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
My First Publication
Posted by The Moncurs at 2:32 PM 5 comments
Labels: BYU publication, writing
- Saturday Mike and I were able to meet up with Kimber and Dave for dinner at Red Lobster and to a movie: Hanna. It was so good to see them and hear all about their adventures in Ireland. We love that we live close and get to hang out with them! Also my sister, Deirdre, put together a blog about their trip if any of you want to check it out:
- Beckahm continues to move like crazy; I definitely feel a difference in his kicks. I think he is going to come late and be a May baby, but we shall see. We had a Dr. appt today. I am dilated to a 1. Dr. Mckernan said he is in prime position— down real low—and that my cervix is beginning to open. Everything is right on track for him to come naturally, he said. Everything looked great on the ultrasound as well—the Dr. kept commenting on how huge his lips were, "Angelina Jolie has nothing on this kid," he said. Haha, our little guy is going to have big lips, and from what the Dr. could tell chubby cheeks, which I am so happy about; I want a chubby baby. I have one more appointment, the 21st, and the Dr. said we can plan on delivering him, either by inducing or if he decides to come on his own, no later than the 26th! Crazy, I can't believe it is 10 days away. If he doesn't come on his by the 26th, and if I haven't dilated more than a 2, I think we are going to wait. I really don't want to induce unless I HAVE to. I can't believe we only have a few more days to go; these past 9 months have flown! Here is a few pics of my last few weeks being prego with my little man. Oh how I will miss being pregnant in so many ways!
- Mike heads to CA for a company retreat today-Saturday. Besides attending meetings, he gets to golf, surf, have a bbq, and hang out with the guys. I can't wait for him to return already; I always miss him when he is gone.
- Mike was sweet enough to pick out a crib with me, online, and have it shipped before Beckahm comes. Kimber was so kind to loan us her bassinet, but I did want to have his crib here before he came and I am glad we could afford it.

- This week I plan my last lesson for my CTR 4 class. I will miss teaching these little girls that I have grown to love. They are such precious little spirits!
- We signed up to move into a new apartment complex this week— Alta Park West, which is located just up the road from us. There were some sacrifices made by leaving The Metro, including the nice gym, pool area, and great service, but we got a much better deal on a bigger apartment. The apartments are situated right next to a theater and shopping district, which is a tradeoff coming from where we have been living—right next to Westgate. We move in June 4th! I can't wait to complete Beckahm's nursery.
- We have been trying to pinpoint when exactly we will be in Utah for all of our events: our sealing, Beckahm's sealing to us, a baby shower, Beckahm's blessing, and visits with both of our families, but we still have to wait to see when Beckahm will actually come. I want to be able to have some alone time with Mike, me, and Beckahm the first 4 weeks AT LEAST, getting him on a good schedule and HEALING before we make the trip to see everyone. We are hoping it will be the second weekend in June but we will let everyone know for sure after his arrival and once we figure out Mikes work schedule.
- We were able to go to the Mesa Temple to do sealings the first time together. What a wonderful place the temple is! It was neat to be able to do sealings and learn about what we will be entering into here in the next few months. I thought about Beckahm being sealed to us and I nearly lost it; what a beautiful/special day that will be for our family! We have made it a "tradition" to hit up Firehouse Subs every time we go to the temple (a little treat). There is arguably NOT a better sub in the world! We can't wait till they open one in Glendale; we will have to restrain ourselves from going there no more than once a month!
- Mike's weekly missionary meeting got cancelled so he was able to attend the ward basketball game. He said it was a tough workout, he hasn't played in such a long time, but he had a good time and our ward won—yeah! Next time I will have to go and show my support!
- I have been keeping busy adding somethings to Beckahm's blog, getting our wedding photo book put together, online, FINALLY, and reading the second book of "The Baby Whisperer." Gosh, there is so much information to remember, but I am grateful to have a book I feel will help me get Beckahm on a good schedule and provide me with techniques I can implement in our home.
- I thought these pictures were funny, no matter how hard we tried to get her to stop jumping in the bassinet she really thought it was her new bed—silly cat!
Posted by The Moncurs at 2:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: UPDATE
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Serengeti Update
The African Regional Manager for the Frankfurt Zoological Society, Mr. Gelrald Bigurube, confirmed that the German government will finance construction of tarmac roads that will link dozens of rural villages adjacent to the Serengeti National Park. He said the "international community is also concerned with the needs of the people in an environmental friendly way but the road should not be close to the park because it will have serious impact that cannot be mitigated." The next step is up to President Kikwete who recently turned down an offer from the World Bank to fund the alternate route. Below, road system around the Serengeti, with proposed Serengeti Watch southern route. The government of Tanzania has approved a major commercial route across the Serengeti National Park, in the direct path of the greatest land migration on earth. Such a highway would destroy the integrity of a priceless World Heritage that has been protected by the people of Tanzania since the birth of their country. The Tanzanian government has a responsibility to work for development and welfare of its people. But in doing so, it does not need to sacrifice its most precious natural area, its income from tourism, or its heritage of conservation. The German government has a plan to help resolve this issue. It has offered to study and help find funding for an alternate southern route. In addition, it has generously offered to study and fund the building of local roads for communities living around the Serengeti. The World Bank has also offered to help fund the alternate route. The stakes are high. It is a critical test case for the 21st Century – do we have the vision and the will to work for the welfare of our expanding human population while still preserving our world’s priceless natural areas? If we can't save the Serengeti, what can we save? Go here to sign to the PETITION. Thank you for helping support such a worthy cause!
Posted by The Moncurs at 5:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Serengeti